House Rule

  • No smoking inside this facility and near the outside.
  • Please do not smoke or littering near this facility
  • Shoes must not be worn inside the facility. Please remove your shoes before entering.
  • Pet is not allowed in this facility. BBQ is not allowed in this facility.
  • This facility is a private residence. You are requested to provide your full cooperation in maintaining a quiet residential environment. Especially, please
  • keep the volume down after 9pm.
  • Do not dispose the garbage or garbage bag outside of designated place.
  • Do not take anything from this facility and bring them outside or back to your
  • home. Anything that is lost during your stay will be charged to you.
  • Please do not flush anything other than toilet paper down the lavatory.
  • Please do not place flammable articles near cooking, heating, or lighting
  • appliances. The fire extinguisher is in the living room on the first floor.
  • Before checkout or go out, please kindly turn off all the lights and air conditioners, and close all the windows.